We’ve been writing a New Year’s letter for a few years now. The tradition started as a way of stepping back from what you typically hear from Heath and sharing more of what goes on for us behind the scenes—a way for us to connect with you and vice versa. The follow-up notes we receive from many of you make the connection even richer. Thank you for that!
We start thinking about the letter in December, and sometime between Christmas Day and the New Year, it comes together—no doubt because the break provides needed perspective. The theme is often related to Heath and how we think about the business, our values, and how we’re planning the year ahead (you can read them here, if you’d like).
But this year, we’re trying something new—writing from a more personal place, sharing what’s on our minds and seeing what comes out as we do. Here goes...
En route to Dry Bay, Alaska (2021)
Where will 2024 take you?
We have a few trips planned, mainly to the remote wilderness. It's vital for us to spend time in places where the loudest sound is silence—the noise of ourselves thinking. One finds themselves in places like this so rarely that you know that incomparable sound when you hear it.
“It’s vital for us to spend time in places where the loudest sound is silence—the noise of ourselves thinking.”
What are we looking for when we go to these places? We want to feel small. We want to feel connected. We don't want to feel entirely in control. Instead, we want to make space for what might happen when we don't have control. We had to learn to accept it. In doing so, it brings us to a new and more centered state of being.
There’s travel where you see and experience new things. And then there’s travel where you feel new things. Outward and inward. It’s not about where you go, but what you find in you.
“It’s not about where you go, but what you find in you.”
How do we get to the remote wilderness? There are two ways really, well maybe three. Often times, we have a destination in mind. Sometimes, we just start driving (or walking). Our preferred way, however, falls in the middle... when we have a destination in mind, but we’re free to veer in any direction that suits or pulls.
Mitkof Island, Alaska (2017)
This third way is most akin to creativity, to finding new places, or simply finding places that feel new because of how we got there. We’ve found the map can get quite messy before we land where the loudest sound is silence—where a new feeling is discovered.
Space, quiet, and natural beauty. This combination helps us strike a balance and maintain our ecosystem, precisely our focus at Heath this year.
“We’ve found the map can get quite messy before we land where the loudest sound is silence—where a new feeling is discovered.”
So, if it's between honing in on exactly where we’re trying to get to or leaning into the how and feeling it through, we choose the latter. With its strong connection to creativity and a bit of letting go, for moving into this new year, this feels the best to us.
Orcas Island, Washington (2023)
What’s feeling good to you as you step into the next year? Please share. We’re listening.
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